The Future Is As Bright As The Promises Of God

Archive for the ‘Scripture’ Category

He Comes To His Own Today

“About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water”  (Matt.14:25  NLT).  Jesus came to His disciples in the storm.  And that is a time He come to His own today.  He makes Himself more real to us in a time of trouble and sorrow.  I don’t know why He waits until midnight, until the waves are rolling, but perhaps that is the only time we will listen to Him.  When the storms of life are beating upon our little boat, our hearts are ready for His presence. — J. Vernon McGee

Faith Believes Without Seeing

We are saved by God’s grace, through faith. We are kept by the power of God. Faith accepts God because He is God. Faith accepts Jesus because of what God tells us about Him in his Word. Faith believes without seeing, feeling, tasting, or smelling. Faith does not ask for proof.
“In the beginning God”. . .I have written in the margin of my Bible, “I believe all the rest.” I may not understand it — I may never understand it. . .But the just shall live by faith — not by wisdom nor by understanding.
All we need is the Holy Spirit in our heart by faith — and if He abides in our heart by faith we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who loved us, because we are kept by the power of God; and “this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.”

Was Jesus God? A Summary

Truth in Palmyra

Today I am running a special post for Wednesday. Usually I repost my post from over at the Isaiah 53:5 Project, but not today. I didn’t actually post one there yesterday, and I want to leave this coming Monday free for the start of a new series.

jesus is god

So, today I will be providing a summary with links to the recent series:

Was Jesus God?

There will be a short excerpt from the post and a link to follow. Blessing and Enjoy!

When we state that we believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, we are simply saying that we believe that Jesus Christ is God. That may seem odd in light of the fact that Biblical Christianity also believes Jesus to have been human. One may wonder and be curious how both statements can possibly be true. We believe Jesus Christ to have been both 100% human and 100% God…

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Was Jesus Really God-Part 7

Truth in Palmyra

jesus is god

It’s Monday morning, and time for us to continue our study on the deity of Jesus Christ. For those who need a recap of where we left off, it can be found here on Was Jesus Really God-Part 6.

Last week we discussed some of the statements Jesus made which, while not being the statement “I am God,” were certainly claims of being equal to and of the same substance as God the Father. We also discussed his claims of son-ship with The Father and how, in that day and time, to be someone’s son was to basically be equal with them; obviously a claim equality with God is in practicality the same as a claim of being God.

Today we are going to cover some instances where we see Jesus’ actions indicate He understood His own divine nature.

Jesus laid claim to many of the attributes of God. Jesus…

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Was Jesus Really God? Part 6

Truth in Palmyra

jesus is god

Part 6. We have been studying in some detail this very critical central doctrine of the Christian faith, and are working our way towards a conclusion. Before we dive into the meat of the post, I want to establish the parameters of how this is being approached to cut off, before they begin, certain arguments which might be made.

The objective here is to teach what the Bible teaches about the deity of Jesus Christ. We are going to look at things Jesus said, and we will look at things He did. We will look at what others had to say, including Jesus’ enemies and other writers of the Bible. By the time we finish this series we will clearly understand that those who teach counter to to the true Biblical position on the Deity of Jesus, and claim to base their position on the Bible, are simply wrong and…

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Was Jesus Really God? Part 4-Why Don’t We Believe In Jesus?

Truth in Palmyra

jesus is god

We have been working our way through a study on the Deity of Jesus Christ. Simply put, this is one of the most basic and essential beliefs of orthodox Christian faith. Without belief in the Divine nature of Jesus, it can be seriously questioned if one is actually a Christian or, in fact, something else. We have discussed why it matters, a brief explanation of the Hypostatic Union, and some of the major attacks and assaults both historically and today on this essential doctrine.

As we move along in our study, I want to take a look at the whys, or the motivations, that may be driving those who doubt this doctrine to doubt in in the first place. Irritation warning here, and an intolerance advisory has been issued. Many will disagree with some of what I say here, but that’s really not my problem.

Let’s recap, quickly, just why…

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Was Jesus Really God? Part 3-Attacks On the Divinity of Jesus Christ

Truth in Palmyra

jesus is god

Like almost any doctrine considered to be central and core to traditional orthodox Christianity, the Doctrine of the Divinity of Jesus Christ has been under assault almost from the beginning of the New Testament church age. Yet, there is almost no Doctrine more tied to the core of true Christian faith than this one. Without it, there basically is no Christian faith as it has been traditionally known.

I had said we would discuss some of the more major assaults on this concept, and we will. Rather than me spending the next 20 years developing the ability to relay some of these thoughts and then representing them in some coherent form, my plan today is to briefly describe some of them and provide some links for further reading by readers.

One of the more prominent sources I use for this is the website. It is simply a smorgasbord of…

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He Is Risen

montague county moments

Some secular “experts” say it’s a myth that Christ was nailed to a cross , proclaiming he was merely tied there as Roman tradition mandated …some doubt that Christ was resurrected from the dead. Still others totally deny His deity..

That’s the beauty of being a Christian…it’s a choice….. based on grace through faith…not of works or scientific proof…lest any man should boast…

That simple fact discredits the most learned scientific scholars…leaving their conclusions totally irrelevant….they too have a choice to accept or reject God’s written word…

If Christ’s resurrection is a myth , all hope is lost.. Science can not provide salvation , or even a logical explanation as to why Christ would voluntarily agree to be crucified , remain in a lifeless tomb for three days, then arise to offer redemption for ALL who willfully follow Him….including even those who crucified Him..

Happy resurrection day for all who choose to believe… good…

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Day 12: Struggling to Trust

My Beloved is Mine and I am His

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 2:5-6 (NIV)

Trust. It is easier said than done and I don’t know how other people manage their lives to simply just trust, then close their eyes and jump off the cliff.

Trust is such a big word for me. I couldn’t just give it away easily to somebody unless I have known that person for a long time and he or she has proven an exemplary track record with me. I need to see if I can rely on the person in so many different areas before actually coming too close.

But there’s a problem. I also fail even in this area, well, most of the time. I can’t exactly say that I am perfect in applying this principle to…

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The Peace Which God Gives

“And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil.4:7 HCSB).
This is a peace which the world cannot give; money cannot buy, nor can social position bring it. The peace of God comes from God as a gift — peace “which surpasses every thought.” In other words, God gives a peace which surpasses anything the mind of man can imagine or conceive. The finite mind cannot even think in terms of the peace which God gives to those who trust in Him.